Many families and individuals have needed fresh and healthy food since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Food banks have seen increased need from communities across the U.S. and Canada, and the Washington Department of Health has included food boxes in their quarantine and isolation kits (North Sound ACH helps coordinate Care Connect in our […]
Migrant Youth Photo Project
A photography project featuring migrant farmworker youth in Skagit Valley has been shown in galleries in New York, Portland, and Seattle, and will be featured in the Mexican Consulate’s virtual MEXAM NW Festival during Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15–Oct. 15). North Sound ACH Project Manager Marco Morales was one of the organizers of the project, […]
Post Retreat Reflections
Update: Liz hosted a discussion session on September 15 with many current and interested partners to review the updated compact, linked here. Watch the full discussion, and a highlight version here. The summer 2021 Partner Retreat was one of our most important yet, as North Sound ACH and partners embark on a new journey together. […]
Welcome new staff members!
North Sound ACH continues to expand the team! We welcomed three people this month, and promoted two staff to new roles. In August we welcomed: Natalie Esparza as the Communications Coordinator. They bring five years experience in creating new and innovative ways in connecting information and resources to those who wouldn’t normally see or pay […]
Aug ’21 Partner Retreat
It was so great to ‘see’ you all on August 11 and 12! Spending a day focused on bright spots was enriching, and we ended the day with a reminder that the work isn’t done when we say we’re going to do something. We have to actually follow up and DO the work. (Watch the […]