Last fall the North Sound ACH Board of Directors asked for a set of strategies looking forward through 2026. We reached out to board members, partners and staff, asking what they saw when they pictured an organization that supported work to accelerate equity, wellbeing and belonging across the region. They shared ideas, challenges, and opportunities for what we called ‘the future state.’
At the June Board meeting we shared a continued commitment to use an equity lens to guide the work, including projects selected, contractors engaged, and use of dollars. The Board will be asked to approve the strategic direction later this year; in the interim we’d like your ideas on how a commitment to equity can be operationalized in our organization. What do you expect to change? What should we let go of, and in what areas should we be doing more?
We have been working with XPLANE, a firm that helps people visualize their vision, plans, and strategies, to create an image that represents the North Sound region and the ACH vision. You can click on this image to see it in larger scale. Does it give a sense of what drives our vision and values? This version is the final draft, so we have one more opportunity to refine it. Please share your thoughts and ideas by end of day September 14. Remember, all insights are helpful! You can email me at