The Community HUB accepts referrals from medical and behavioral health providers, emergency departments, human services/social services, community based organizations, community health workers, and community members. Until this point, referrals needed to be input via CCS (Care Coordination Systems), which requires organizations to register with CCS as a referral source.
We have now made available a referral form that can be completed via our website, for organizations not able to register with to make HUB referrals. Visit this link to complete the form without registering with CCS. Submitted forms will be reviewed by our staff and entered into CCS. We have taken the appropriate measures to make sure information is secure and HIPAA compliant.
Individuals who meet HUB eligibility will be:
– On Medicaid or Medicaid-eligible.
– Resident of Island, San Juan, Snohomish, Skagit, or Whatcom county.
– Experiencing any of the following: Behavioral health and substance use concerns; chronic disease or pregnancy; Homelessness: Homeless at least one month during the year; High utilization across health care, emergency and/or criminal justice services.
For more information on becoming a referral partner, click here.
NOTE: Submitting referrals via CCS is still the preferred method; the form on our website is intended for those who are not registered with CCS and may find registration a barrier to their referral.