North Sound ACH recently gained another team member! Even while we’re physically distant and working from home, we’re so excited to have Erica Littlewood join us as our newest Project Manager.
Erica Littlewood was born and raised in Washington state, before traveling extensively and living overseas. She completed her undergraduate degree at Whitman College, and a Master of Education Degree at Western Washington University. Erica moved to Bellingham over 30 years ago after living in China, and her work has always been in the non-profit and public sector. She was the director of an international exchange program at Western Washington University, then for the past 15 years worked as an educator in the fire service. Since mid-March, Erica has been working with Whatcom Unified Command as the Volunteer Branch Director, coordinating volunteers to support food security, COVID-19 testing, and other tasks in Whatcom County in response to the pandemic.
At North Sound ACH, Erica is will be using her skills in program management, communication, and coalition building as Project Manager, working specifically in care coordination: emergency department diversion, community paramedicine, and cross-sector collaboratives.
We’re thrilled to have her working with us! Welcome, Erica!